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- Karbasi, N. S. & Alavi, S. B. (in press). Unveiling the potential of perceived authentic leadership to enhance followers' moral intentions: A self-determination theory perspective. Management Research Review.
- Alavi, S. B. (2024). A theoretical analysis of the implications of self-determination theory in explaining the effectiveness of feedback-seeking behaviors and the seeker’s reaction to feedback: A Research Agenda. New Ideas in Psychology, 74, ۱۰۱۰۹۱.
- Kamali, A., Alavi, S. B., and Arasti, M. R. (2024). The role of Basic Psychological Needs Satisfaction during the initial use of online teaching platforms on faculty’s continuance intention. International Journal of Educational Management, ۳۸ (۳), ۸۱۹-۸۳۸.
- Alavi, S. B. (2024). The making of an authentic leader's internalized moral perspective: The role of internalized ethical philosophies in the development of authentic leader's moral identity. Journal of Business Ethics. ۱۹۰, ۷۷-۹۹.
- Rabbani, M.M. & Alavi, S. B. (2023). Does feedback-seeking always improve performance? Investigating the roles of feedback-seeking content and frequency in determining goal achievement and behavior related performance. Foundations of Management. ۱۵, ۷-۲۴.
- Kazemi, M. & Alavi, S. B. (2022). Is context important for understanding board leadership? Exploring chairpersons’ leadership roles in board processes of subsidiary companies. Journal of Management and Governance. Online published 26 Nov 2022.
- Alavi, S. B. & McCormick, J. (2018). Why do I think my team is capable: A study of some antecents of team members’ personal collective efficacy beliefs. Educational Psychology: An International Journal of Experimental Educational Psychology, 38 (9), 1147-1162.
- Kazemi, M. & Alavi, S. B. (2017). A Theoretical framework for several antecedents of shared leadershop in corporate board contexts. Iranian Journal of Management Studies, 10 (4), 751-781.
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- Alavi, S. B. & McCormick, J. (2016). Implications of proxy efficacy for studies of team leadership in organizational settings. European Psychologist, 21 (3), 218-228.
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- Alavi, S. B., Bagheri, S. N., Khandan, M. (2015). Proposing the balanced scorecard framework for competency identification: An Iranian case study in software support industry, Middle East Journal of Management.
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- McCormick, J., Barnett, K., Alavi, S. B. & Newcomb, G. (2006). Board governance of independent schools: a framework for investigation. Journal of Educational Administration, 44 (5), 429-445.
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